04.09.23 I’m Back-says Ralph the Osprey!
56 degrees at the Farm, near Sturgeon Lake, MN today, Easter Sunday, and Ralph, the Osprey RETURNS! We still have lots of snow pack (noted by white background under the nest) but we saw many birds today, including lots of robins and three geese checking out the pond (that is still frozen). Sorry, our live camera from the nest is not working properly to stream onto the website (as it has in the past). Mediacom was here working on something else and then we lost everything to the nest. Presently seeking local IT professional who might be able to help us. Any suggestions? Noting the female osprey, Grace, should be right behind Ralph…so we are expecting her in the next few days and then things will get busy at the nest! Stay tuned I will post stationary pictures until our IT Professional arrives… thanks for watching and caring. From the farmhouse… Julie