04.14.22 Its 32 degrees and Mr. Osprey (Ralph) is awaiting arrival of Mrs. Osprey (Grace).
Sorry we had some IT problems but have a temporary fix for it. Noting, it is not working totally correct but at least we can see atop the nest LIVE. MediaCom came out to repair something else and “somehow” the camera connection quit working while they were working on their project. So yesterday we were, at least, able to restore the LIVE camera but it is still pausing abit. Hopefully we will have it fully fuctional for the upcoming MINNESOTA SPRING/SUMMER atop the nest. Also noting, it ran flawlessly from atop the nest all winter as we watched the hayland turn into snowland and eventually back to hayland. The DEER have been reappearing in the fields, as well as a geese couple and this week a few varieties of ducks. The pond has a few areas of open water but not totally open yet. The lakes are still icey looking but nearby rivers are open. SO LOOKING FORWARD to the upcoming spring and WARMER TEMPS!